- Franklin Ház Kft.
- Phone: +36 (1) 328 0960
- E-mail: info@franklinhaz.hu
- 1053 Budapest, Reáltanoda u. 5.
- Nyitva tartás: 00:00-24:00
- Kártyás beléptető rendszer
- Videó kaputelefon
- Kerékpártároló
- Parkolóház
- On site building management
- Szelektív hulladékgyűjtés
- Teljeskörű üzemeltetés
- Vendégparkoló (0-24h)

A six floor office building was constructed preserving the original design of the facade. The offices are situated in the same building as the garage but they are completely separated from it.
The electricity, gas and water consumption as well as the heating are measured independently for each floor.
On each floor of the office building, 6 four-pipe fan coil units provide sufficient heating and cooling power for all weather conditions.
The offices can be accessed through the main entrance independent of the parking garage.
The MonoSpace elevator for four persons and the staircase are situated at the end of the main entrance corridor.
The electrical room, the gas reception unit, the water reception and purification room, the main sewage line connection and the storage spaces reserved for the tenants are situated in the basement area.